Friday, February 3, 2012

Reflections - Groundhog Day, Life's Choices, & "Culture"

As Groundhog Day came yesterday, a reflection on this odd seasonal tradition is appropriate and also parallel, in a way, with a decision I have to make soon for an award at work. Bear with me here, let's dig in :)

A lot has happened personally and professionally since I started this blog, both great things and some challenging things. Many lessons have been learned and shared, and interesting observations throughout. One occurred yesterday - no, not groundhogs don't cause the weather! Lol!

Groundhog Day
One thought kept my attention after I was made aware of the day when greeted by a friend's "Happy groundhog day :)" text, the only such greeting I got, incidentally:
Happy Groundhog Day to you too, my friend :)
 "What determines whether the groundhog sees the shadow or not?" The answer is - WHAT IT FOCUSES ON. Simple, profound. There is a quote outside my broker's office door, "Obstacles are the things we see when we take our eyes off our goals," by Zig Ziglar. Hmm. More on that to wrap this up later.

How Does One "Live & Lead" Culture?
Specifically, for this question, the "KW Culture" - I am with Keller Williams Integrity First Realty. We have a distinct culture, and there is an award given at our partner's meeting every month to the one person selected by the last recipient. The appropriately-named Culture Award is inscribed, "In Recognition of Outstanding Leadership in Upholding our Mission, Vision, Values and Beliefs". I am honored that Lisa Davies chose to give it to me to start off 2012.

My dilemma, of course, is now I have to choose ONE person. I won't bore you with the play-by-play; suffice it to say that of all agents / staff in our company, 73 specifically helped me by living our culture in the last month.16 affiliates or industry contacts helped me or my clients, and my family and dear friends include another dozen, easily, though none are technically eligible, I was more aware of their actions as the weeks passed.

Did I pick the person? Yep. I would love to give it to the many who deserve it, and that's not how it works, so I went with my gut and gratitude. Can't wait!

"What You Focus On Expands" & "No one succeeds alone" are concepts that have great significance for me as I move into this new year. Put briefly, I am choosing success and happiness, and I am choosing the people who will accompany me on this exciting adventure!
Sometimes, we all need a little help for our focus :)

Life's Choices - What Are Yours?
See what I did there? Yeah, brought it back to the Groundhog theme. Good stuff. :)

Regardless of what you think of my wit, ask yourself these questions personally and professionally:
Where is my focus? Is it what I want? What people are in the critical support roles in my life? Are they the right people? For whom am I that person, & could I keep me if things were reversed?

Reflecting with a couple friends in the last couple weeks highlighted certain growth pains, yet it is proving to be worth it every day, far beyond the degree of discomfort.

In closing, I have great friends supporting me in making a great life. For 2012 on, I am focusing on that instead of obstacles like have distracted me in the past. I saw a quote online that seems fitting to share and take forward, whether for professional or personal focus:
Shadow? What shadow?
"Everyone has baggage. Find someone who loves you enough to help you unpack"

Great idea! And on any Groundhog Day, look for the light, not the shadow :) - James

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